Convert Salesforce id in Java
I am working on a project which requires integrating with via the SOAP wsdl. One of the things that we want to ensure is that we always work with 18 character ids. The SOAP api always returns 18 character ids, but the input to the java app could be a csv file which may contain 15 character ids.
I created the following utility method in Java that converts 15 character id to 18 character id. The logic for the code was derived from this Salesforce StackExchange post.
// Converts 15 char salesforce id to 18 char id
static String convertto18CharId(String original15charId){
if(original15charId == null || original15charId.isEmpty()) return null;
original15charId = original15charId.trim();
if(original15charId.length() != 15) return null;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
try {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
StringBuilder tempString = new StringBuilder(original15charId.substring(i*5, i*5+5));
String binary = "";
for(char ch: tempString.toString().toCharArray()) {
binary += Character.isUpperCase(ch) ? '1' : '0';
} catch(Exception ex) {
if(result.length() == 0) return null;
return original15charId + result.toString();
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